Wednesday 1 December 2010

Research and Planning: Opening to The Shining

Opening analysis to The Shining.
Camera shot/Angle/Movement.
Camera shot: In the opening scene of the shining there are many shots used to show the audience that it is a thriller however the main shot that is used pretty much throughout the whole opening 3 minutes is a aerial view shot, where we are looking down at the moving car. Also another main shot is the establishing shot, because it informs the audience where the movie is going to be taking place and also gives the audience a good clear picture of the setting.
Angle: In the opening scene of the shining the most common angle that gets used is a high angle. It tracks the car on the road throughout the whole three minutes of the opening. The high shot dominates the scene and gives the audience a feel of what is happening, the ‘bigger picture’.
Movement: In the opening scene of the shining the director wants the object to dominate the scene. In this case the object is the car which we see driving on the road. Track movement if used within the first three minutes, to track what’s happening and give the audience a bigger idea and picture to what is happening.
Sound/Editing/Mise en scene.
Sound: In the opening scene of the shining the way that the director informs the audience that the movie they are watching is going to be a thriller is by using conventions. One of the main conventions in the opening is sound. The director uses a fast paced beat of a song which the audience would automatically pair up to a thriller, the music suggests secrecy to the audience and maybe some confusion to what is going to take place in the movie.
Editing: There are not that many cuts within the opening of the shining. The time that the editor cuts is when the car turns a bend or a corner. Creates a sharp feel for the audience, and makes them want to continue watching also.
Mise en scene: In the opening scene to the shining the Mise en scene is very effective because the way the long shot is used, captures all of the mountains and lake scenery suggesting that was going to be part of the main setting for the film.  The Mise en scene definitely contrasts with the music that the director has used, due to the surroundings and lakes being all peaceful and the music having a strong mysterious beat to it.
Characters/Locations/Narrative plot.
Characters: Within the opening scene there is no actual shots of a person. The only shots we get in the opening is of the surroundings and the moving car who has someone in it but the audience are not shown who was in the car.
Locations: Due to the Mise en scene that is used in the opening scene of the shining, we know that the place where the movie may be set is in the mountains and in a calm place like that. The audience are not shown any other shots in a different location to that, therefore the only location shown to us is the mountains.
Narrative plot: The audience are not really given an idea of what the plot of the movie is going to be about. The way the car is continually in the opening could maybe suggest that there is going to be a fair bit of travelling, but minus that the audience are not given many ideas to come to a conclusion of what may be happening.
Themes/Visual style/Genre.
Themes: In the opening of the shining the audience cannot really figure out a theme for the film. However due to the conventions that the director uses, we are able to tell that one of the themes will include mystery.
Visual style: Overall in the opening scene the way that the director has presented some of the conventions gives the audience a brief idea of what may be occurring within the movie. The sound, which personally I think is the biggest convention of horror in the opening, gives the idea the idea and thought of confusion.  Leaves them feeling unease about the film, which is what the director was aiming for.
Genre: Due to the conventions in the opening of the shining, the audience can tell it is going to be a horror. However the director could have definitely added more conventions in to make it a bit clearer to the audience. At the moment the main give away is the sound, it tells the audience something may be happening which shouldn’t.

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