Wednesday 1 December 2010

Research and Planning: Comparision of Se7en and Panic Room.

Comparison of Se7en and Panic Room
Although both of these films are directed by the same person, the openings are very different to each other and the audience gets different perspectives and ideas about each of the films. The director uses very different techniques to open the film. Both se7en and panic room are both thrillers, and in the opening credits they both have conventions that tell the audience this, such as the music. But the main differences in the way these openings are directed are the shots, angles and camera movements that are used. Se7en has a lot of short camera shots that are quick, meaning that the audience does not have time to take in what is being showed on screen, whereas this is very different to panic room where the director uses a lot of wide, long and aerial shots with high angles so we see a lot of buildings and the location of where the film is being set and in se7en it is only showing a house or a basement of a house where there is dark lighting and artificial lighting, and in panic room it is outside so we see natural lighting and it is bright, so we can tell straight away that panic room may have more of a story line and plot and se7en might be more of a horror as it has conventions of a horror as well as thriller. The text on the screen of the names of the actors are also very different, in panic room, they are very big and bold going across the buildings, almost blending in with them, but in se7en the colour of the text –white, contrasts with the background – black, and the text is very small and moves and is fazed so can be confusing to read. The music in panic room is also slow to create a dramatic effect, whereas in se7en the music is faster and represents the insanity of the character and what he is thinking, it is less organised than panic room.

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