Friday 19 November 2010

Research and Planning: Children of Men Essay

Children of Men Essay
In the opening of Children of Men, we can see that it is being represented in the future (2027) in a cafe. It is being represented negatively because of the pollution we can see, the busy streets and the natural lighting. This negative representation is being created by the suggestion of death and the news broadcast, also by the alcohol he adds to the coffee suggests he is dependent on alcohol and his life is very depressing. The explosion also gives a negative representation of the future. 
In the opening of Children of Men, the person being represented is the man in the coffee shop, from the opening scene there is a main character but it is not clear if he is a hero as he doesn’t have hero characteristics. He does not fit our established ideas of what a hero should be, he does not go to help people when the explosion goes off, he has no emotion and he isn’t interested in the news about a person being shot and also that he is drinking alcohol in the morning, we would not picture a hero to be like this. In this opening scene, women are being represented as a dying breed, this is taking away what makes them a women, so they are almost seen as useless and worthless in the future. The future is being represented as more digital, there are moving images on the buses and taxis. 
In the opening of Children of Men, there is artificial lightning at the very beginning when he is in the coffee shop but when he goes outside of the coffee shop it is natural lighting. The dark lighting gives a sad effect for the whole film due to the dull colours and polluted air. The audience will get an idea of what the film is like, that it is not a happy film. 
In the opening scene, the camera is an all in one shot, for a major feature (fictional) film we would have expected more camera shots to be used in the opening scene. I wouldn’t have expected the camera to track the man out of the coffee shop and dominate the scene so we see it from his perspective and has a greater impact when the bomb goes off. I think the camera shots have been chosen to get the main character’s perspective and a deeper view of the explosion. 
The camera shot is an all in one shot after the man picks up his coffee, so not much editing is required. Because of the all in one shot, the text that comes across the screen is more visible and powerful to the audience, it also makes it clearer and easier to recognise and read. It doesn’t change the place throughout the clip, the text is informing the audience of where the scene is set and the main plot of the films location. 
Before we see any characters or setting, the opening straight away starts with voices on the news informing viewers about death, this is very unusual and gives a deeper effect of the scene and gives that sad effect for the whole of the film. There are sounds from the streets which overtake the sad and mellow background noise, so there is a shock when the explosion happens. I think the director has done this to get a sad effect, so this sets of a sad tone for the whole of the film and the news reporters make you listen because its different and interesting. 
The location of London is created by the English news reporters; also as he goes out of the shop we can see the red buses which London is famous for and the taxis on the street.